Monday, November 29, 2010

How to act on a subway

There are many things a student shouldn't do on the subway. First off you should listen to your teachers and follow instructions. Then you need to use your inside voices while your on the train. You also need to not seat hop and stay in one seat and not play around on the train. While you are walking through the hallway you should stay focused and move quickly and quietly. That's what you need to do on a subway.

Women Helping Out

We learned many thing on our museum Field trip. We learned that Roise The Riviter did the same jobs as men a wore the same clothes. Women had to cut back on supplys of food and they made some garments of  silk due to limited resources. The Roises worked in factories just like men and had to be accepted in the family by older men. There jobs were just as hard as men's and they had to work under the same conditions. Women made guns boats and ships just like men, there was a unique way to put the ribits the the plane they used a special bar to block them from coming in. But sadly when the men came back the women lost there jobs and had to go back to what they were doing before the war.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What We Learned About Rosie's

When we went to the museum to learn more about the Rosie's, we learn that they had to be the mens weapon maker, nurses, and help pull their families out of proverty. The women had to wear overalls so they won't get caught while they were working. Rosie's also had to fix the planes, guns, and they rivited using a bucking bar. They grew gardens so that they can send food to the troops and they also had to learn different recipes so they can eat. The Rosie's were not segregated.

Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Act When You Are On The Subway

When we are going on a field trip and we have to get on the subway we are suppose to pay attention. We are also suppose to speak in our indoor voices and not play around. When we are on the subway we are also suppose to be repectful of the other poeple that are coming in and out of the trains. One thing we are never to do is go throught the gates with other person unlesss told to do so. We should listen to what the teacher is telling us to do because we can get lost, hurt, or so you dont get in trouble. Another thing you should never do is push other people while entering a train because so can get seriously hurt.

How to act on the subwway

When you are on a field trip and you are taking the train you need to listen to what your teacher says  so that you don't get lost or get into trouble. When you are getting or the train you should not push a person in front of you because you can hurt them. You  should not yell or scream when you are on the train because other people are on it and they want peace and quiet so these are some rules when taking the train on a field trip/

What we learned at the museum

When we went to the museum we learned about Rosie the riveter . We learned about the type of jobs the Rosie's have we learned that they had to cut there hair so that it wouldn't get stuck or burnt off . We also learned that the Rosie's could not wear cotton underwear because they had to use it on parachute . When the men came back from war the Rosie's had to leave working there. They also had the gun they used to fix planes when we were at the museum we got to use the gun on this game they had. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Were is Matt

When we were in social studies we were shown a video of a guy named Matt who and this silly dance he made that he did around soo many countries he works with stride the gum company.He has been around many countries like Germany,France,India,Russian,South Africa and many more. When we were in social studies Ms. Trenkle showed us about 4 videos of Matt doing he silly dance with other people from other countries.Thats all for now BLOG OUT!!!!!