Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"America I am "

After visiting the exhibit i think the title America I am means, I am a citizen of America. I say this because in all exhibits that we went to today all had to do with African Americans had to go through back in the day. American I am describes what peoples rights were and what they had to go through to gain their rights. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In this quote I think it means wheres theres justice somewhere there is justice somewhere else. America I am is a way to show citizens that they are Americans and that they are intelligent and considerate people. Lastly American I am means that everybody is consider a American. In conclusion when we visited the exhibit and learned a lot of new facts, and also everybody is considered an American.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good/Bad, Pro/Cons of standardized test for History

I think it is bad to have standardized test for history. I think it is bad because people forget more things about history then they do from math or english. A pro for this would be that it would help kids remember the most  important things about the history they learned in that class. A con would be that history would be the hardest test to pass and because a lot of kids don't remember history like they do with math and english. Another Pro would be that history standardized test would put kids with more knowledge of history they forgot and after you take the test for history it will kind of stick with you and if you see something about that in high school you would be right on it.
Even though a standardized test could be good for kids it is to much for us to be taking a whole lot of test. We have to take the DC-BAS 4 times, The A-Net 4 time, but that if your school is picked for it. Also you have to take the DC-Cas the biggest of them all and the end of the year exam for math and english. It is to much on the kids plate to have to take all of these test. This can also get stressful because taking a ship load of test can make kids tired and can get confusing.